Our Governor Team

The Governing Body is a team of volunteers who come from all sections of the school community, working together and in partnership with the Headteacher to provide strong leadership and management of the school. The Headteacher is responsible for the day to day management of the school, but the Governing Body is responsible for setting the school aims and policies, monitoring children's progress, and supporting and challenging the Headteacher and staff, to ensure that children receive the best possible education.

The Governing Body have in place a strategic development plan which is regularly reviewed and updated. Should you wish to see a copy of this document, please contact the school office.

For information about becoming a school governor, or for a timetable of meetings, please contact the school office

For information about how our Governing Body is formed please see Instrument of Government

John Burnett - Chair of Governors
John Burnett - Chair of Governors
Sue Todd - Foundation Governor
Sue Todd - Foundation Governor

Gill Sutcliffe - Co-opted Governor


Lisa Walker - Vice Chair - Safeguarding Governor
Lisa Walker - Vice Chair

Safeguarding Governor

Natalie Rapkin - Staff Governor
Natalie Rapkin - Staff Governor
Joanne Poyser - Headteacher
Joanne Poyser - Headteacher
Neil Griffiths - Foundation Governor
Neil Griffiths - Foundation Governor
Maggie Wragg - Local Authority Governor
Maggie Wragg - Local Authority Governor

Amy Haynes - Clerk to Governors

Governors' Register of Interests and Terms of Office

Please see the document below for more information about our governors, who appointed them, their attendance at meetings, business interests and any pecuniary interests;
