Starting School in September 2025...

"I'd like to extend a very warm welcome to new families to our school. Our school is a friendly and supportive environment where children flourish and are happy. We pride ourselves on being an inclusive school, that works hard to meet the needs of all our children as we work in partnership with families to ensure we can provide the best for our children. Children settle quickly in their new surroundings, find lots of friends and thrive in the environment.

Take a look at our school prospectus and we would love to hear what you think!

If you would like to have a look around our lovely school, please contact the school office on 01629 822453 or drop us an email on to make an appointment, we'd love to see you! 

Mrs Poyser, Headteacher, WFIS

Apply for a Place

Applications for children starting infant or primary school in September 2025 will be available to access an online application form from November 2024.

Apply for a primary school place.

You can apply by phone. Ring Call Derbyshire tel: 01629 533190. The contact centre is open between 8am and 8pm, Monday to Friday, and Saturdays 9:30am to 4pm.

·        "My child’s transition in to school was so well managed, at no point was my child overwhelmed by the process and I feel this is down to how approachable all staff members are and how quickly and well they get to know each student".                      Parent comment, 2023


Robins Class

Robins class is the name of our Reception class and Mrs Emery is our class teacheralong with Mrs Chapman, Mrs Bowler and Mrs King as Teaching Assistants in our class on different days.

We have a large, bright welcoming classroom with an easy accessible outdoor play area. We're next door to the school office, so Mrs Haynes and Mrs Kinder get lots of visitors!

·        "This  is without doubt a wonderful, warm and welcoming school with excellent staff at it’s core. I couldn’t have wished for a better start for my children’s school experience. Thank you so much for everything". Parent comment, 2023 


·        "All the children are happy, understood and encouraged at all times". Parent comment, 2023

Information for Parents and Carers

Please go to the Parents page for school uniform ordering, newsletters, calendar dates and more...

·        "The school do so many lovely things with the children and make their learning experiences fun and engaging. My children have flourished since attending and are always keen to share their newly acquired knowledge at home".

School Meals

School lunches are freshly cooked, daily at Wirksworth Junior School by our Catering Team. Please see the Derbyshire menu for details of the menu.

Meals are exported the short distance to Wirksworth Church of England School and served hot. Children are encouraged to try new things on the menu - there's always a variety of options to choose from.

Lunchtimes are social occasions, and provide opportunities for learning too. We are an active school and Midday Supervisors encourage games, imaginative play and skills development sessions such as Derbyshire Challenge.

Special diets can be catered for (doctor's letter required), as well as vegetarian/vegan preferences.

Free School Meals

If you are receiving income-related benefits, please apply for Free School Meals HERE. This helps ensure school is able to access all the Pupil Premium Grant Funding to which it is entitled.

It's quick and easy to check if you are eligible for Free School Meals - just follow this link: Application for Pupil Premium

BBC Bitesize resources especially for infants:

Hungry Little Minds

Simple, fun activities for very young children: 

National Geographic Kids

Free access to the digital edition:

Online Safety