
Our school vision: Inspiring Learning for All 

Our vision is to inspire learning for all and to nurture unique individuals who are outstanding learners, demonstrating wisdom, responsibility and kindness within their communities.

Our school rules - We listen, we think, we share, we care - encompass all aspects of desirable behaviour and embody positive values and expectations.  Children learn that these rules will guide and support them in their choices of appropriate behaviour. 

Our school values:

As a school we believe the importance of teaching values and children working together toward a common set of goals should not be underestimated. 

School life is built around embedding Christian Values for Life and British Values

We focus on teaching one school value per half term through collective worship, Personal, Social, Health and Emotional (PSHE) lessons and dedicated class time. Staff feel scheduling regular time to spend on school values and sharing responsibility for promoting them is a positive way of helping children and parents/carers to become part of our school vision. 

Character and values teaching are an essential part of the hidden curriculum within school but are also explicitly taught through a well-planned Social, Moral, Spiritual and Cultural (SMSC) curriculum woven across all subjects and aspects of school life which develops children’s abilities to show initiative, gain respect and tolerance in addition to shaping the mindsets and behaviour of future adults. 

Across the school, we firmly believe surroundings have an impact on children’s positivity and attitude to learning. An accessible and well-organised classroom makes it easy to access learning materials and sets the tone for learning. Displays are used to expand subject knowledge and skills and wall space in school is used to promote school values and raise aspiration whilst encouraging enthusiasm and creativity. 


 Keeping Children Safe in Education

The Designated Safeguarding Lead responsible for Child Protection and Safeguarding is Mrs Jo Poyser, Head teacher and SENDCo, in her absence, Mrs F Essex (Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead).

Our schools follow the Derby and Derbyshire Safeguarding Partnership policies and procedures (see our Policies page). Please follow this link:

Starting Point - is the single point of access and for making a referral for children and their families in Derbyshire.

All Derbyshire schools are part of the Stopping Domestic Abuse Together initiative which supports effective multi-agency work to protect children living in households where there is domestic abuse.

Family Support Worker:

Our schools employ the services of a Family Support Worker, Hollie Nicholson. She can offer practical help and emotional support for families experiencing various problems. Her primary concern is the care of the children whose family may be experiencing difficulties.

Key Documents:

Our Safeguarding Policies and documents are kept on the School Policies page




Our school vision: Inspiring Learning for All 

Our vision is to inspire learning for all and to nurture unique individuals who are outstanding learners, demonstrating wisdom, responsibility and kindness within their communities.

Our school rules - We listen, we think, we share, we care - encompass all aspects of desirable behaviour and embody positive values and expectations.  Children learn that these rules will guide and support them in their choices of appropriate behaviour. 

Our school values:

As a school we believe the importance of teaching values and children working together toward a common set of goals should not be underestimated. 

School life is built around embedding Christian Values for Life and British Values

We focus on teaching one school value per half term through collective worship, Personal, Social, Health and Emotional (PSHE) lessons and dedicated class time. Staff feel scheduling regular time to spend on school values and sharing responsibility for promoting them is a positive way of helping children and parents/carers to become part of our school vision. 

Character and values teaching are an essential part of the hidden curriculum within school but are also explicitly taught through a well-planned Social, Moral, Spiritual and Cultural (SMSC) curriculum woven across all subjects and aspects of school life which develops children’s abilities to show initiative, gain respect and tolerance in addition to shaping the mindsets and behaviour of future adults. 

Across the school, we firmly believe surroundings have an impact on children’s positivity and attitude to learning. An accessible and well-organised classroom makes it easy to access learning materials and sets the tone for learning. Displays are used to expand subject knowledge and skills and wall space in school is used to promote school values and raise aspiration whilst encouraging enthusiasm and creativity. 


 Keeping Children Safe in Education

The Designated Safeguarding Lead responsible for Child Protection and Safeguarding is Mrs Jo Poyser, Head teacher and SENDCo, in her absence, Mrs F Essex (Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead).

Our schools follow the Derby and Derbyshire Safeguarding Partnership policies and procedures (see our Policies page). Please follow this link:

Starting Point - is the single point of access and for making a referral for children and their families in Derbyshire.

All Derbyshire schools are part of the Stopping Domestic Abuse Together initiative which supports effective multi-agency work to protect children living in households where there is domestic abuse.

Family Support Worker:

Our schools employ the services of a Family Support Worker, Hollie Nicholson. She can offer practical help and emotional support for families experiencing various problems. Her primary concern is the care of the children whose family may be experiencing difficulties.

Key Documents:

Our Safeguarding Policies and documents are kept on the School Policies page




Our school vision: Inspiring Learning for All 

Our vision is to inspire learning for all and to nurture unique individuals who are outstanding learners, demonstrating wisdom, responsibility and kindness within their communities.

Our school rules - We listen, we think, we share, we care - encompass all aspects of desirable behaviour and embody positive values and expectations.  Children learn that these rules will guide and support them in their choices of appropriate behaviour. 

Our school values:

As a school we believe the importance of teaching values and children working together toward a common set of goals should not be underestimated. 

School life is built around embedding Christian Values for Life and British Values

We focus on teaching one school value per half term through collective worship, Personal, Social, Health and Emotional (PSHE) lessons and dedicated class time. Staff feel scheduling regular time to spend on school values and sharing responsibility for promoting them is a positive way of helping children and parents/carers to become part of our school vision. 

Character and values teaching are an essential part of the hidden curriculum within school but are also explicitly taught through a well-planned Social, Moral, Spiritual and Cultural (SMSC) curriculum woven across all subjects and aspects of school life which develops children’s abilities to show initiative, gain respect and tolerance in addition to shaping the mindsets and behaviour of future adults. 

Across the school, we firmly believe surroundings have an impact on children’s positivity and attitude to learning. An accessible and well-organised classroom makes it easy to access learning materials and sets the tone for learning. Displays are used to expand subject knowledge and skills and wall space in school is used to promote school values and raise aspiration whilst encouraging enthusiasm and creativity. 


 Keeping Children Safe in Education

The Designated Safeguarding Lead responsible for Child Protection and Safeguarding is Mrs Jo Poyser, Head teacher and SENDCo, in her absence, Mrs F Essex (Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead).

Our schools follow the Derby and Derbyshire Safeguarding Partnership policies and procedures (see our Policies page). Please follow this link:

Starting Point - is the single point of access and for making a referral for children and their families in Derbyshire.

All Derbyshire schools are part of the Stopping Domestic Abuse Together initiative which supports effective multi-agency work to protect children living in households where there is domestic abuse.

Family Support Worker:

Our schools employ the services of a Family Support Worker, Hollie Nicholson. She can offer practical help and emotional support for families experiencing various problems. Her primary concern is the care of the children whose family may be experiencing difficulties.

Key Documents:

Our Safeguarding Policies and documents are kept on the School Policies page




Our school vision: Inspiring Learning for All 

Our vision is to inspire learning for all and to nurture unique individuals who are outstanding learners, demonstrating wisdom, responsibility and kindness within their communities.

Our school rules - We listen, we think, we share, we care - encompass all aspects of desirable behaviour and embody positive values and expectations.  Children learn that these rules will guide and support them in their choices of appropriate behaviour. 

Our school values:

As a school we believe the importance of teaching values and children working together toward a common set of goals should not be underestimated. 

School life is built around embedding Christian Values for Life and British Values

We focus on teaching one school value per half term through collective worship, Personal, Social, Health and Emotional (PSHE) lessons and dedicated class time. Staff feel scheduling regular time to spend on school values and sharing responsibility for promoting them is a positive way of helping children and parents/carers to become part of our school vision. 

Character and values teaching are an essential part of the hidden curriculum within school but are also explicitly taught through a well-planned Social, Moral, Spiritual and Cultural (SMSC) curriculum woven across all subjects and aspects of school life which develops children’s abilities to show initiative, gain respect and tolerance in addition to shaping the mindsets and behaviour of future adults. 

Across the school, we firmly believe surroundings have an impact on children’s positivity and attitude to learning. An accessible and well-organised classroom makes it easy to access learning materials and sets the tone for learning. Displays are used to expand subject knowledge and skills and wall space in school is used to promote school values and raise aspiration whilst encouraging enthusiasm and creativity. 


 Keeping Children Safe in Education

The Designated Safeguarding Lead responsible for Child Protection and Safeguarding is Mrs Jo Poyser, Head teacher and SENDCo, in her absence, Mrs F Essex (Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead).

Our schools follow the Derby and Derbyshire Safeguarding Partnership policies and procedures (see our Policies page). Please follow this link:

Starting Point - is the single point of access and for making a referral for children and their families in Derbyshire.

All Derbyshire schools are part of the Stopping Domestic Abuse Together initiative which supports effective multi-agency work to protect children living in households where there is domestic abuse.

Family Support Worker:

Our schools employ the services of a Family Support Worker, Hollie Nicholson. She can offer practical help and emotional support for families experiencing various problems. Her primary concern is the care of the children whose family may be experiencing difficulties.

Key Documents:

Our Safeguarding Policies and documents are kept on the School Policies page