School Uniform

Children should come to school wearing a red sweatshirt, jumper or cardigan, white shirt or polo shirt and dark grey trousers, skirt or dress. All your child’s clothing should be clearly named.

Shoes should be black and suitable for everyday school activities. Please check the fit of your child’s shoes regularly. Tights should be dark coloured, preferably grey or black.

PE kit is red shorts or dark coloured jogging bottoms/leggings, a white T-shirt and a school jumper. Footwear should be black pumps or trainers. On PE days, children should come to school in their PE kit.

Your child will need a water bottle and a book bag in school every day. 

Uniform can be ordered through school - Download a School Uniform Order Form HERE

You can also order school logo-embroidered uniform directly from at and earn cash for school.

Generic items are acceptable, branded uniform with a logo is not required.


Your child will need suitable outer clothing. Depending on the weather, this will include a warm, waterproof coat, hat, gloves, sun hat and wellies. We go outside every day for play times and outdoor learning sessions. In case of bad winter weather, school will follow the Adverse Weather policy – see School Policies page.

In the summer, your child will need a sun hat in school. Girls may wear red school summer dresses and boys grey shorts. Sandals should be worn with socks to protect toes. We review our Sun Protection Policy each spring.

Jewellery is discouraged and is limited to small stud earrings. Earrings will be covered with tape during PE sessions. Long hair must be tied back.

Toys from home should not be brought in from home as they can be easily lost.

Items without names which cannot be reunited with their owners will be kept in lost property boxes until the end of each half term when they will be disposed of.

School Uniform

Children should come to school wearing a red sweatshirt, jumper or cardigan, white shirt or polo shirt and dark grey trousers, skirt or dress. All your child’s clothing should be clearly named.

Shoes should be black and suitable for everyday school activities. Please check the fit of your child’s shoes regularly. Tights should be dark coloured, preferably grey or black.

PE kit is red shorts or dark coloured jogging bottoms/leggings, a white T-shirt and a school jumper. Footwear should be black pumps or trainers. On PE days, children should come to school in their PE kit.

Your child will need a water bottle and a book bag in school every day. 

Uniform can be ordered through school - Download a School Uniform Order Form HERE

You can also order school logo-embroidered uniform directly from at and earn cash for school.

Generic items are acceptable, branded uniform with a logo is not required.


Your child will need suitable outer clothing. Depending on the weather, this will include a warm, waterproof coat, hat, gloves, sun hat and wellies. We go outside every day for play times and outdoor learning sessions. In case of bad winter weather, school will follow the Adverse Weather policy – see School Policies page.

In the summer, your child will need a sun hat in school. Girls may wear red school summer dresses and boys grey shorts. Sandals should be worn with socks to protect toes. We review our Sun Protection Policy each spring.

Jewellery is discouraged and is limited to small stud earrings. Earrings will be covered with tape during PE sessions. Long hair must be tied back.

Toys from home should not be brought in from home as they can be easily lost.

Items without names which cannot be reunited with their owners will be kept in lost property boxes until the end of each half term when they will be disposed of.